Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and people's opinions and taste will differ from person to person. Ultimately this is your work of art and you need to be happy with the design. Where to start if often a little difficult so we have put together some great tips to help create a stunning photo book cover.
Cover image and title.
Choosing an image is an important first step for your cover design. If you want to keep it simple choose a single image with some open space on it, which will give you a natural area to add a title. If the image you have chosen has a smaller subject we suggest giving the book a larger title, paying attention to the scale and size of the various elements making up your cover. Make one of them the hero of the cover so that it draws you into the cover. Below are two examples of how the title size can be used to good effect on a cover. On the cover on the left the subject is large but the title is small providing emphasis on the people. On the right hand cover we have the opposite with a smaller subject and a large title placing emphasis on the name of the book - the eye is naturally drawn to the largest item.
Avoid Clutter.