Die Traktaat

Die Traktaat (Hennie van Zyl )
R120,00 incl VAT

Product description

Hierdie boekie is 'n bundeltjie traktaat (koerantdubbelbladsye) saamgebind ter nagedagtenis ann Hennie Van Zyl way sy lewe daaraan gewy het on soveel moontlik mense na Jesus te lei.

This booklet is a bundle of tracts (newspaper double pages) bound together in memory of Hennie Van Zyl who dedicated his life to leading as many people as possible to Jesus.

Products specifications
AuthorHennie Van Zyl
Book DetailsPaperback / 206 Pages / Black & White Text / White Bond Paper
Size 210 x 148mm
LanguageMostly Afrikaans With Some English
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