Hello Human: The 10 Participant Personas in UX Research - 3rd Edition

Hello Human - 3rd Edition (Adele Meijers)
R385,00 incl VAT

Product description

Over a period of more than ten years of conducting user research and interviews, I identified ten distinct participant personas, each characterised by their unique traits, patterns and behaviours:

The Chatty One bursts into the room with a vibrant personality and colourful demeanour, eager to engage in conversation and share their thoughts.

The Quiet One appearing shy and introverted, they usually tend to be reserved and may require extra effort to encourage participation.

The Nervous One who just need a bit of reassurance to ease their nerves and help them relax during the study.

The Overly Confident One fill the room with charisma and energy, exuding self-assuredness and may dominate discussions.

The Bossy One possessing a strong personality and unwavering will, they may attempt to take control of the study.

The Secret Admirer showing more interest in the researcher than the study itself, they can be subtly flirtatious or overly attentive.

The Angry One motivated by a negative customer experience, they seek to express their grievances and be heard during the study.

The Buffering One meticulously contemplate their responses, taking their time to provide thoughtful answers to questions.

The Valentine oozing chivalry and flirtation, they may display romantic overtones during the research study.

The Gold Digger driven solely by the desire for rewards, these ones are primarily interested in incentives or personal gain and may not provide genuine or accurate feedback on the product or feature being tested.

By identifying and understanding these personas, you can adapt your approaches and communication styles to ensure productive and meaningful meetings or research interactions, whether conducted remotely or in person.

Want to find out which persona you are? Visit hellohumanbook.co.za and complete the online Persona Profiler.

Products specifications
CategorySelf Help
AuthorAdele Meijers
Book DetailsPaperback / 182 Pages / Black & White Text / White Bond Paper
Size 240 x 170mm
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