Triarchic Cognitive Disposition (Cobus Oosthuizen, PhD)
Product description
Leadership in the age of emerging and disruptive technologies demands a new mindset - one that thrives amidst complexity, embraces innovation, and leads with wisdom. In Triarchic Cognitive Disposition: The Leadership Mindset to Navigate the Age of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies, Dr. Cobus Oosthuizen introduces a ground-breaking framework to equip leaders for the challenges of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions.
Drawing on extensive research, this book unveils the Triarchic Theory of Cognitive Disposition (TTCD), a powerful model that integrates three critical dimensions of leadership intelligence: Episteme-Analytical Intelligence for navigating complexity and fostering informed decision-making. Techne-Inventive Intelligence for driving innovation and adapting to change. Phronesis-Synergic Intelligence for leading with ethics, emotional depth, and collaboration.
Designed for leaders at every level, this book offers actionable strategies and insights to cultivate the cognitive, emotional, and ethical competencies required to succeed in an era of rapid technological evolution. With a blend of scholarly depth and practical application, it is an essential guide for those ready to embrace the future with purpose and resilience.
Discover how to lead boldly, think critically, and innovate wisely - become the leader the future demands.